Reliquiae Vol 10 No 2 (Autumn 2022)
Edited by Autumn Richardson & Richard Skelton
ISSN 2398-7359
ISBN 978-1-9160951-9-9
xxiv + 198pp
SoftcoverNov 2022
Over the past decade Reliquiae has featured the work of over 300 contemporary and historical poets, writers and translators in over 45 languages.
Our final issue features an incredible selection of contributors, including new writing from: Peter Mark Adams, Jakky Bankong-Obi, Ahimsa Timoteo Bodhrán, Priya Sarukkai Chabria, Kim Dorman, Kirsten D. Dzwiza, Adam Flint, Catherine Greenwood, Hawthonn (Phil & Layla Legard), Taylor Hood, Nicola Holloway, Isidro Li, John Martone, Jenny Morris, Anna Ojinnaka, Gaspar Orozco (translated by Ilana Luna), Penelope Shuttle, Richard Skelton, Martín Tonalmeyotl (translated by Autumn Richardson), Hans Jürgen von der Wense (translated by Kristofor Minta and Herbert Pföstl), and Ruth Wiggins. There will also be, as ever, a beautiful selection of archive texts from around the world, from sacred songs and chants to incantations and magical charms.