Reliquiae Vol 8 No 1 (Spring 2020)
Edited by Autumn Richardson & Richard Skelton
ISSN 2398-7359
ISBN 978-1-9160951-2-0
xvi + 210pp
SoftcoverMay 2020
Reliquiae interleaves ecologically aware writing from the past and present, ranging from the ethnological to the philosophical, the lyrical to the visionary. As of 2019 it is published biannually.
Volume 8 No 1 features the following:
Peter Mark Adams, Marcus Aurelius, Dan Beachy-Quick, Hildegard von Bingen, Thomas Browne, Celtic mythology, Priya Sarukkai Chabria, Roz Quillan Chandler, Jake Crist, Kim Dorman, Jasmine Gallagher, James Goodman, John Gower, Robert Hooke, Magda Isanos, Brian Johnstone, Aashish Kaul, Walter K. Kelly, Klamath Folklore, Steffi Lang, Jane Lovell, R.P. Masani, Jay Merill, Charlotte Mary Mew, C.S. Mills, Christine Morro, Paul Prudence, Autumn Richardson, Penelope Shuttle, Richard Skelton, Southern African Folklore, Edward Step, Judi Sutherland, Janil Uc Tun, Tsimshian Mythology, W.B. Yeats.*
There are poetic miniatures of life from southern India, where ‘numberless insects chant to the stars’, of the frozen landscapes of the far north, where ‘blown snow catches lunar drift’, and of ‘thought travels’ through the ‘five shadowy regions of Ancient Britain’; there are discussions of the folklore of wells and water, of sacred trees in world mythology, of Irish and Māori legend, and of the ‘Lilliputian beauty’ of scholar’s rocks; there are beautiful new English translations of work by a Romanian visionary poet, a new Mexican private myth-world of trees and insects, and a twelfth-century lingua ignota for the natural world; there are stories of shapeshifters, of shamanic initiations, and of the luminous books of forgotten writers; there are creation hymns from the Tamil Tiruvacakam (‘Sacred Utterances’), incantation songs of the Klamath, and southern African folklore on the naming of stars; there are ‘visions of aeonic cycles’, exhumations from the ‘pupal earth’, and songs of mythical blackbirds; there are hymns to Antigone and to northern rivers, to lost saints and to ‘mineral dark waters’; there are evocations of trillium, dogwood, larkspur, ghostflower, the potencies of stone and of the ‘polysensual earth’.