Reliquiae Vol 8 No 2 (Autumn 2020)
Edited by Autumn Richardson & Richard Skelton
ISSN 2398-7359
ISBN 978-1-9160951-4-4
xxviii + 280pp
SoftcoverNovember 2020
Pre-orders before November 7th receive a Don Domanski poem card and two beautiful special edition art cards comprising 19th century botanical illustrations of autumnal fungi.
Reliquiae interleaves ecologically aware writing from the past and present, ranging from the ethnological to the philosophical, the lyrical to the visionary. As of 2019 it is published biannually.
Volume 8 No 2 features the following:
Peter Mark Adams, Arapaho Folklore, Jean Atkin, Mary Austin, Jakky Bankong-Obi, Dan Beachy-Quick, Catawba Folklore, Celtic Folklore, Priya Sarukkai Chabria, Chukchee Folklore, Brittany Coffman, Alice Corbin Henderson, John Paul Davies, Farideh Davoudi-Moqaddam (trans. Patrick Sykes), Don Domanski, Marguerite Doyle, Stuart Farley, Whit Griffin, Amy Hale, Dominic Hand, Andy Hopkins, Helena Hunter, Hupa Folklore, Tim Lilburn, Amy Lowell, Iain Mac Nill (trans. James Carmichael Watson), H.W. Magoun, Rosamund Marriott Watson, Kiera Moore, Nezahualcóyotl (new English translations by Don Cellini), Nigerian Folklore, Mhàiri Nic an Tòisich (trans. James Carmichael Watson), C.C. O’Hanlon, Emily Oldfield, Peter O’Leary, Angèle Paoli (trans. Martyn Crucefix), Eleanor Rees, Larissa Reid, Autumn Richardson, Penelope Shuttle, Richard Skelton, Oliver Southall, Tom Stell, Lewis Todd, Harriet Truscott, Mark Valentine, Jane Wheeler, Winnebago Folklore.*
Volume 8 No 2 is dedicated to Canadian metaphysical poet Don Domanski, 1950—2020, and features new and old work spanning his forty-five year career. In addition, there are magical and medicinal incantations from Catawba, Chuckchee and Winnebago folklore / poetic rituals for severance, for inner wounds, channels and soul retrieval / circling incantations, charms and apotropaia from Celtic folklore / prognosticary tables using proto-Indo-European root forms / evocations of ancient Anatolia, of stone age carvings and the tyranny of time / accounts of ancient Hindu witchcraft practices / exaltations for the processes of transmutation and sacrifice / new English translations of the ancient pre-Socratic philosophy of Anaximenes / Arapaho creation myths / Hupa conceptions of the ‘under-world’ / new English translations of Náhuatl poems from pre-Columbian Mexico / poems charged with Persian mythology / ancient Nigerian conceptions of the astral forms of plants and animals / poetic reveries on the plight of Priscianus and Neoplatonic philosophy / reflections on the work of Guy Debord and Ithel Colquhoun, and the convergence of psychogeography and pilgrimage as ‘radical acts of animism’ / discussions of willow trees and ‘the plasticity of perception’ / paeans to the rough-hewn beauty of sea-vessels, to deserts and to the ‘sideways lands’ / conjurations of Blodeuwedd, Brán, Crom Dubh, Eos, the Strigoi, Ymir and ‘Mercury lord of the birds of omen’ / polylingual summonings of nightingale song / contemporary reworkings of Anglo-Saxon charms / secret paths to ancient reindeer shamanism / sonnets of plant pigmentation, extinction and revival / ghost voices of taxidermic specimens / poem archives of graveyard grasses and solitary bees / evocations of fields of elephant grass and papyri, baobob and acacia bark / reflections on the ‘Sun Life’ of Richard Jefferies / poetic rewritings of Tagore’s ‘Gitanjali’ / poems of incarnate words, ‘plumage-dark trees’, of ruined churches and the goddess of the hunt / vivid poem essays on reincarnation and the consciousness-altering properties of poetry / poems of therianthropy from Inuit, Scottish and Welsh folklore / hymns to ancient protectresses, and to ‘unstaunched wounds in silt’.